I can actually get involved in getting stories off the ground that no one would ask me to be in because I'm the wrong age, the wrong sex, the wrong nationality, or whatever. I've found it quite exhilarating to have that freedom to tell the stories that aren't just about middle-aged white English guys.
Colin FirthI don't know if this qualifies as gentle reassurance, but right now this is all that stands between me and a Harley-Davidson.
Colin FirthIt's entirely to do with personality, I think. There are good directors who talk a lot, bad directors who talk a lot, and good directors who don't say much and vice-versa. It just depends on whether people respond to that personality and whether people have a willingness to do something for them.
Colin FirthHowever good a communicator a director is, unless they've been actors, it's just not the same as the shorthand you get with someone who's been an actor.
Colin Firth