My fore-parts, as you so ineloquently put it, have names.โ I pointed to my right breast. โThis is Danger.โ Then my left. โAnd this is Will Robinson. I would appreciate it if you addressed them accordingly.โ After a long pause in which he took the time to blink several times, he asked, โYou named your breasts?โ I turned my back to him with a shrug. โI named my ovaries, too, but they donโt get out as much.
Darynda JonesA split second later, my life flashed before my eyes, and I came to one important conclusion about it. It was fun while it lasted.
Darynda JonesSince killing people is illegal, can I have a Taser just for shits and giggles? -Fourth Grave Beneath My Feet
Darynda Jones