When you meet someone, you can silently send them a blessing, wishing them happiness, joy and laughter. This kind of silent giving is very powerful.
Deepak ChopraThe Soul is on a journey through cosmic time, and you can orchestrate your journey through cosmic time, when you have awakened to the bigger reality.
Deepak ChopraThe worst curse to befall anyone is stagnation, a banal existence, the quiet desperation that comes out of a need for conformity.
Deepak ChopraAddiction is the number one disease of civilization, and it's directly and indirectly related to all other diseases. Besides physical addictions to nicotine, alcohol, and other substances, there are psychological addictions, such as the addiction to work, sex, television, melodrama, and perfection.
Deepak ChopraListen to your body's wisdom, which expresses itself through signals of comfort and discomfort. When choosing a certain behavior, ask your body, "How do you feel about this?" If your body sends a signal of physical or emotional distress, watch out. If your body sends a signal of comfort and eagerness, proceed.
Deepak Chopra