The mind/body connection is like a telephone line - many telephone lines, in fact, teeming with information. Small things like drinking an orange juice with pulp or eating an apple is being received like a telephone call to your genes. Every thought, every thing you eat, every single little thing can tweak your genes activity towards healing.
Deepak ChopraHow old are you? If your first reflex is to reply with your chronological age, the number on your birth certificate, you are only one-third correct. There are actually two additional, and more important, indicators of age. And the exciting news is that it is within your power to adjust both of these other "age indicators" and truly grow younger and live longer.
Deepak ChopraAccept that living in the present moment, with your present desires, is the best, the highest thing you can do.
Deepak ChopraBeing fully in the present, you experience the timeless. In the timeless, you find your true self.
Deepak Chopra