Without self knowledge, without understanding the working and functions of his machine, man cannot be free, he cannot govern himself and he will always remain a slave. What you WANT is irrelevant, what you've CHOSEN is at hand. You and I are essentially infinite choice-makers. In every moment of our existence, we are in that field of all possibilities where we have access to an infinity of choices.
Deepak ChopraPeople donโt realize, he said, how important it is to wake up every morning with a song in your heart.โ J. Krishnamurti. โThe song stands for a sense of joy in existence, a joy that is free of any good or bad choices.
Deepak ChopraIf we were able to live at the level of the soul all the time, there would be no need for hindsight to appreciate the great truths of life.
Deepak Chopra