You are not merely the physical body that you identify with out of habit. Your essential state is a field of infinite possibilities.
Deepak ChopraFreedom comes when you see the built-in contradiction of trying to manipulate something that is going right to begin with.... Stop trying to steer the river.
Deepak ChopraMeditation is one of the most direct and powerful ways to awaken to who we really are and to experience happiness as a state of consciousness that already exists within us.
Deepak ChopraThe difference between destruction of the immune system and stimulation of the immune system is an interpretation.
Deepak ChopraWhen you become defensive, blame others, and do not accept and surrender to the moment, your life meets resistance. Any time you encounter resistance, recognize that if you force the situation, the resistance will only increase. You don't want to stand rigid like a tall oak that cracks and collapses in the storm. Instead, you want to be flexible, like a reed that bends with the storm and survives.
Deepak Chopra