Giving and receiving are different expressions of the same flow of energy in the universe.
Deepak ChopraOnce you know who you really are, being is enough. You feel neither superior to anyone nor inferior to anyone and you have no need for approval because you've awakened to your own infinite worth.
Deepak ChopraBy expressing our unique talents and using them to serve others, we will experience unlimited love, abundance, and true fulfillment in our lives.
Deepak ChopraWhen we don't nourish ourselves with fresh, healthy food, restful sleep, regular exercise, a daily spiritual practice such as meditation or journaling, and other mind-body healing habits, we will inevitably feel tired, out of balance, irritable, and sometimes even depressed.
Deepak ChopraWhat we do wrong with teenagers is we talk down to you instead of treating you as equals. Adults complain that you're not good listeners but really, adults are not listening to what you're trying to tell us. We're always trying to give you advice. We should treat you with lots of respect and dignity and groom you to be future leaders.
Deepak ChopraTo limit yourself to a label of "alcoholic" is masochistic and false if you have awakened a deeper spiritual identity within and have come to know your true self as unconditioned pure awareness. This doesn't mean that recovering alcoholics don't have to be concerned with relapsing, they must always remain vigilant. The power of addiction should not be underestimated. This exercise in vigilance can become a spiritual tool of liberation as well. Always being aware of choosing between real happiness and false happiness is also the discrimination required to attain enlightenment.
Deepak Chopra