A great many people who spend their time mourning over the brevity of life could make it seem longer if they did a little more work.
Don MarquisI suppose the human race is doing the best it can but hells bells thats only an explanation its not an excuse.
Don MarquisThe trouble with the public is that there is too much of it; what we need in public is less quantity and more quality.
Don MarquisBetween the years of ninety-two and a hundred and two, however, we shall be the ribald, useless, drunken, outcast person we have always wished to be. We shall have a long white beard and long white hair; we shall not walk at all, but recline in a wheel chair and bellow for alcoholic beverages; in the winter we shall sit before the fire with our feet in a bucket of hot water, a decanter of corn whiskey near at hand, and write ribald songs against organized society... We look forward to a disreputable, vigorous, unhonoured, and disorderly old age.
Don Marquis