Every practice at some point will become a hindrance. No practice can ever take you there, to freedom, to liberation. That's important to realize.
Eckhart TolleFor some people, it's the beginning of an awakening when they hear or read, "You have a voice in your head that never stops talking. Have you noticed that?" And suddenly they become aware that the thoughts go through their heads, whereas before they were so identified with them that they were those thoughts.
Eckhart TolleBeyond the beauty of external forms, there is more here: something that cannot be named, something ineffable, some deep, inner, holy essence. Whenever and wherever there is beauty, this inner essence shines through somehow. It only reveals itself to you when you are present.
Eckhart TolleAll you can do is create a space for transformation to happen, for grace and love to enter.
Eckhart Tolle