What makes me most happy is connecting with others. I love meeting new people, being social, and engaging in empowering discussions.
Gabrielle BernsteinNeglecting passion blocks creative flow. When you're passionate, you're energized. Likewise, when you lack passion, your energy is low and unproductive. Energy is everything when it comes to being successful.
Gabrielle BernsteinI believe it is my duty to share the gifts I have learned. How dare I have the tools for finding serenity and not share them with the world?
Gabrielle BernsteinIt's very easy to look for happiness outside ourselves; in a relationship, a dream job, or the perfect body weight. When we chase happiness externally, we're simply looking for God in all the wrong places. The outside search is based on false projections we place on the world. These projections build up a wall against true happiness, which lies within us.
Gabrielle Bernstein