It's very easy to look for happiness outside ourselves; in a relationship, a dream job, or the perfect body weight. When we chase happiness externally, we're simply looking for God in all the wrong places. The outside search is based on false projections we place on the world. These projections build up a wall against true happiness, which lies within us.
Gabrielle BernsteinWe're not going to stop trying to live big. It's about transforming your stress so that it doesn't take over. The first step is to realize that it is there and that you are trying to outrun your fear.
Gabrielle BernsteinThe happier and more stress-free you are, the more people will want to be around you and the more your friends will respect you.
Gabrielle BernsteinWhenever you notice your thoughts detour into attack mode, say out loud or to yourself: Happiness is a choice I make.
Gabrielle Bernstein