I'm a lucky guy. I get to sit around every day and indulge in make believe and get paid for it.
Garrison KeillorA good newspaper is never nearly good enough but a lousy newspaper is a joy forever.
Garrison KeillorAs for family values, they are whatever they are - some families are tight, others are blown away like dandelion puffs. A main value in Minnesota is still: don't waste my time, don't B.S. me, I wasn't born yesterday.
Garrison KeillorI was brought up imagining that cream rises to the top, merit wins out, the race is to the swift and riches to men of understanding, but it ain't necessarily so. The swift stand a better chance if they are also beautiful.
Garrison KeillorLife is unjust and this is what makes it so beautiful. Every day is a gift. Be brave and take hold of it.
Garrison KeillorHumor, a good sense of it, is to Americans what manhood is to Spaniards, and we will go to great lengths to prove it. Experiments with laboratory rats have shown that, if one psychologist in the room laughs at something a rat does, all of the other psychologists will laugh equally. Nobody wants to be left holding the joke.
Garrison Keillor