Many healings of other physical troubles have occurred in my clients after they started to integrate breathing practices into their lives. There is a simple but encompassing reason that may explain this. The human body is designed to discharge 70% of its toxins through breathing. Only a small percentage of toxins are discharged through sweat, defecation and urination. If your breathing is not operating at peak efficiency, you are not ridding yourself of toxins properly.
Gay HendricksWelcome the back talk, because it's completely natural and normal. It's actually a sign that the new idea you've planted in your mind is taking root.
Gay HendricksWe keep ourselves so tied up in regretting the past and fearing the future that we don't have any energy left to figure out who we are and what we want to create right now.
Gay HendricksThe highest goal of spirituality is Self-realization, but what does that mean? It means to feel your Self as a living reality in this moment, and there is always only this moment. (10)
Gay HendricksWherever your path takes you, may all your deathbed wishes come true, and may you celebrate each and every one of them many long years before your final breath.
Gay Hendricks