If you want to create vital, long-lasting love, you must become a master of verbal & nonverbal appreciation
Gay HendricksWherever your path takes you, may all your deathbed wishes come true, and may you celebrate each and every one of them many long years before your final breath.
Gay HendricksOne of the first things a relationship therapist learns is that couples argue to burn up energy that could be used for something else. In fact, arguments often serve the purpose of using up energy, so that the couple does not have to take the courageous, creative leap into an unknown they fear. Arguing serves the function of being a zone of familiarity into which you can retreat when you are afraid of making a creative breakthrough.
Gay HendricksYou never know when it is going to happen, when you will experience a moment that dramatically transforms your life. When you look back, often years later, you may see how a brief conversation or an insight you read somewhere, changed the entire course of your life.
Gay Hendricks