Lawyers-they get together all day and say to each other, "What can we postpone next?" The only thing they don't postpone, of course, is their bill, which arrives regularly. You've heard about the man who got the bill from his lawyer which said, "For crossing the street to speak to you and discovering it was not you, twelve dollars."
George S. KaufmanThe kind of doctor I want is one who when he's not examining me is home studying medicine.
George S. KaufmanAt dramatic rehearsals, the only author that's better than an absent one is a dead one.
George S. KaufmanLawyers-they get together all day and say to each other, "What can we postpone next?" The only thing they don't postpone, of course, is their bill, which arrives regularly. You've heard about the man who got the bill from his lawyer which said, "For crossing the street to speak to you and discovering it was not you, twelve dollars."
George S. Kaufman