Our world does not exist from its own side--like a dream world, it is a mere appearance to our mind. In dreams we can see and touch our dream world, but when we wake up we realize that it is simply a projection of our mind and had no existence outside our mind. In the same way, the world we see when we are awake is simply a projection of our mind and has no existence outside our mind.
Geshe Kelsang GyatsoAs Shantideva says, suffering has many good qualities because it purifies our negative karma, increases our renunciation and compassion, reduces our pride, and helps us to overcome our bad mental habits. If we think in this way we will feel that difficult circumstances are our best friends. When our mind is balanced in this way it becomes as stable as Mount Meru, and nothing can cause it to shake.
Geshe Kelsang GyatsoWe are all interconnected in a web of kindness from which it is impossible to separate ourself.
Geshe Kelsang GyatsoEverything we now enjoy has been provided through the kindness of other beings, past or present.
Geshe Kelsang GyatsoWe need modern ideas, but we also need ancient wisdom. If we deny ancient wisdom we are making a big mistake.
Geshe Kelsang GyatsoWhenever we practise meditation, whether or not our meditation is clear, we are performing a virtuous mental action that is a cause of our future happiness and peace of mind.
Geshe Kelsang GyatsoWhen things go wrong in our life and we encounter difficult situations, we tend to regard the situation itself as our problem, but in reality whatever problems we experience come from the side of the mind. If we were to respond to difficult situations with a positive or peaceful mind they would not be problems for us; indeed, we may even come to regard them as challenges or opportunities for growth and development. Problems arise only if we respond to difficulties with a negative state of mind. Therefore, if we want to be free from problems, we must transform our mind.
Geshe Kelsang Gyatso