I'm thinking about American votes and American - all Americans, black or white have to be concerned about what's happening in the world.
Greg GutfeldWe're already going down that path with illegal drug use and incarceration. I can't imagine it getting any worse.
Greg GutfeldI agree and I disagree in the sense that I think that he [Donald Trump] has a fondness for autocrats, but at the same time, isn't he talking about like perception of defending your country.
Greg GutfeldHe's like a baseball team owner who also wants to coach, but who also attracts fans, like David Duke, and now anti-semi Louis Farrakhan who also gave Donald Trump odd praise. Now maybe this is not Trump's fault, but he is truly a unifier getting white and black racist leaders to agree on one thing - him. Not to mention the democrats.
Greg GutfeldWhenever there's an act of terror, its guns, its Christians, it's republicans, but the FBI can't say Islamism because it's too politically incorrect. And nobody wants to lose their job, it comes from the top. I think they lack the manpower to do their jobs. It's not about changing the FBI; it's about changing the way they do business.
Greg GutfeldI think the cult of personality is the thing that people find a real problem with. It's hard to unify behind something that is unknown. I know more about black holes than I do about Donald Trump's ever-changing news. So I don't blame - like, I don't blame conservatives going, like "Hey, this is something that I believe in. And I don't know what he believes." But that could change. That could change in four months.
Greg Gutfeld