It is improper for one person to take credit when it takes so many people to build a successful organization. When you try to be top dong, you don't create loyalty. It you can't give credit (and take blame), you will drown in you inability to inspire.
James SinegalWhen you hire good people, and you provide good jobs and good wages and a career, good things are going to happen.
James SinegalI say at our management conferences that the amount Wal-Mart grows in just one year is the equivalent of Costco's size.
James SinegalIf you're going to say to all the people that you're working with, 'We want you to treat the customers honestly; don't lie and don't cheat,' it is somewhat hypocritical if you're not following the same rules.
James SinegalYou could raise the price of, say, a bottle of ketchup to $1.03 instead of $1, and no one would know. Raising prices just 3% per product would add 50% to your pretax income. Why not do it? It's like heroin: You do a little and you want a little bit more. Raising prices is the easy way.
James Sinegal