The primary benefit of a vegan diet is that the removal of animal products usually necessitates a higher amount of nutrient-rich plant produce. The cons of a vegan diet could be the inclusion of too much heavily processed food, including seitan and isolated soy protein, flour, sweeteners and oils.
Joel FuhrmanSeeds and nuts are indispensable for cardiovascular health. The protective properties of nuts against coronary heart disease were first recognized in the early 1990s, and a strong body of literature has followed, confirming these original findings.
Joel FuhrmanThe most important thing to remember about food labels is that you should avoid foods that have labels.
Joel FuhrmanLower caloric exposure and episodic fasting can extend the life span of all animals, the longer we spend in the catabolic state, the longer we live.
Joel FuhrmanFor both optimal health and weight loss, you must consume a diet with a high nutrient-per-calorie ratiothere are no shortcuts.
Joel FuhrmanDelaying a meal brings about symptoms most people call "hunger." These symptoms include abdominal cramping, weakness, and feeling ill-the same as during drug withdrawal. This is not hunger. Our dietary habits, especially eating animal-protein-rich foods three times a day, are so stressful to the detoxification system in our liver and kidneys that we start to get withdrawal, or detoxification, symptoms the minute we aren't busy processing such food. Real hunger is not that uncomfortable.
Joel Fuhrman