Our mother's first gift to us comes at the moment we are born, because Mom, as she will subsequently remind us over and over, gives us the Gift of Life Like many of the gifts we receive from our mothers, the Gift of Life usually doesn't fit properly and is almost never returnable without a major hassle.
Linda SunshineAfter living with Richard, I discovered that men are only good at cleaning stuff they can hose down.
Linda SunshineIf you talk about yourself, he'll think you're boring. If you talk about others, he'll think you're a gossip. If you talk about him, he'll think you're a brilliant conversationalist.
Linda SunshineYour sister is the only creature on earth who shares your heritage, history, environment, DNA, bone structure, and contempt for stupid Aunt Gertie.
Linda SunshineChanging schools and friends is hard on children and can often make them desperate and lonely enough to form closer ties with a sibling.
Linda Sunshine