You should know that what wakes me up at night, what gets me running fast in the morning, and, frankly, what prompts me to lose any semblance of my habitual reserve is the conviction that work doesn't have to be this grim. We can do better.
Marcus BuckinghamIf the manager really is the problem, try to get reassigned elsewhere in the organization or start looking for one in which you can play to your strengths.
Marcus BuckinghamThe Four Keys of Great Managers: When selecting someone, they select for talent ... not simply experience, intelligence or determination. When setting expectations, they define the right outcomes ... not the right steps. When motivating someone, they focus on strengths ... not on weaknesses. and When developing someone, they help him find the right fit ... not simply the next rung on the ladder.
Marcus BuckinghamObviously, you have to know what you need now and what you will soon need, then hire or promote from within to meet those needs.
Marcus Buckingham