If husbands could realize what large returns of profit may be gotten out of a wife by a small word of praise paid over the counter when the market is just right, they would bring matters around the way they wish them much oftener than they usually do. Arguments are unsafe with wives, because they examine them; but they do not examine compliments. One can pass upon a wife a compliment that is three-fourths base
Mark TwainHain't we got all the fools in town on our side? And hain't that a big enough majority in any town?
Mark TwainThe only way to keep your health is to eat what you don't want, drink what you don't like, and do what you'd rather not.
Mark TwainWater is an individual, an animal, and is alive, remove the hydrogen and it is an animal and is alive; the remaining oxygen is also an individual, an animal, and is alive. Recapitulation: the two individuals combined, constitute a third individual-and yet each continues to be an individual....here was mute Nature explaining the sublime mystery of the Trinity so luminously that even the commonest understanding could comprehend it, whereas many a trained master of words had labored to do it with speech and failed.
Mark TwainNo man that has ever lived has done a thing to please God--primarily. It was done to please himself, then God next.
Mark Twain