Critics say Internet advertising suffers from limitless inventory, which depresses prices. These exclusive front-page sponsorships are not limitless. If HBO doesn't move quickly enough, Showtime can buy out Gawker and Jezebel for the key fall TV season. On any individual day, there isn't room for both of them; and that's healthy.
Nick DentonForget about someone's resume or how they present themselves at a party. Can they blog or not? The blog doesn't lie.
Nick DentonAs a print journalist, if you hear a rumour you try to stand it up and if you can't, the story dies. With a blog you can throw the rumour out there and ask for help. You can say: 'We don't know if this is true or not.
Nick DentonPersonally, as a print journalist, I always found the most interesting stories to be the ones hacks talked about in the bar after work.
Nick DentonNo picture, no footage, no story. The people these days require some visual evidence in order to believe what they read.
Nick Denton