It's obviously incredibly important to keep the body fit in order to keep the mind fit, and be able to find time for friends.
Richard BransonLook, I think that when we started Virgin Atlantic 30 years ago, we had one 747 competing with the airlines that had an average of 300 planes each. Every single one of those have gone bankrupt because they didn't have customer service. They had might, but they didn't have customer service, so customer service is everything in the end.
Richard BransonFree publicity and word of mouth is probably the best and cheapest form of advertising. Learn to use it to your advantage.
Richard BransonWhat we are trying to do at Virgin is not to have one enormous company in one sector under one banner, but to have two hundred or even three hundred separate companies. Each company can stand on its own feet and, in that way, although we've got a brand that links them, if we were to have another tragedy such as that of 11 September - which hurt the airline industry - it would not bring the whole group crashing down.
Richard Branson