Don't think about making money, think about making a difference, spot where others are doing it badly and do it better
Richard BransonI make up my mind about whether I can trust someone within 60 seconds of meeting them
Richard BransonYou see, it's essential that one of us stays awake during the flight [ballon]. So, rather than using the comfortable Virgin seats which we used to cross the Atlantic, we've asked British Airways for two of theirs.
Richard BransonI have learnt so much over my 40 years of business which would have been valuable to me when I was younger.
Richard BransonI am always working on the go. I have never had an office that I work out of and work has become intertwined with my personal life. Fortunately I am able to work from my home and can answer my e-mails in the morning, play tennis or kitesurf in the afternoon to keep fit and have meetings or phone calls in between.
Richard Branson