There is probably not more than one hundred dollars in cash in circulation today. That is, if you were to call in all the bills and silver and gold in the country at noon tomorrow and pile them on the table, you would find that you had just about one hundred dollars, with perhaps several Canadian pennies and a few peppermint Life Savers.
Robert Benchley[Reviewing the New York City Telephone Directory] But it is the opinion of the present reviewer that the weakness of plot is due to the great number of characters which clutter up the pages. The Russian school is responsible for this.
Robert BenchleyThis is a test. It is only a test. Had it been an actual job, you would have received raises, promotions, and other signs of appreciation.
Robert BenchleyIt took me fifteen years to discover I had no talent for writing, but I couldn't give it up because by that time I was too famous.
Robert BenchleyAfter an author has been dead for some time, it becomes increasingly difficult for his publishers to get out a new book by him each year.
Robert BenchleyBut ice-crunching and loud gum-chewing, together with drumming on tables, and whistling the same tune 70 times in succession, because they indicate an indifference on the part of the perpetrator to the rest of the world in general, are not only registered on the delicate surfaces of the brain but eat little holes in it until it finally collapses or blows up.
Robert Benchley