One must not be afraid of a little silence. Some find silence awkward or oppressive. But a relaxed approach to dialogue will include the welcoming of some silence. It is often a devastating question to ask oneself, but it is sometimes important to ask it - 'In saying what I have in mind will I really improve on the silence?
Robert K. GreenleafNothing much happens without a dream. For something really great to happen, it takes a really great dream.
Robert K. GreenleafEven the frankest and bravest of subordinates do not talk with their boss the same way they talk with colleagues.
Robert K. GreenleafThe best leaders are clear. They continually light the way, and in the process, let each person know that what they do makes a difference. The best test as a leader is: Do those served grow as persons; do they become healthier, wiser, freer, more autonomous, more likely themselves to become leaders?
Robert K. Greenleaf