Time is a function of impact. The longer a book of mine has been in print, the greater its impact seems to be as people absorb and digest my ideas. I am especially proud of The Change Master: Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the American Corporation, first published in 1983, because it raised questions and addressed issues at a time when so many great changes were occurring in our society, indeed throughout the world.
Rosabeth Moss KanterFriendly people are caring people, eager to provide encouragement and support when needed most.
Rosabeth Moss KanterConfidence is the sweet spot between arrogance and despair-consisting of positive expectations for favorable outcomes.
Rosabeth Moss KanterConfidence is not lodged in people's brains, it comes from the support system that surrounds them. Let's not confuse confidence overall with just self-confidence. Self-confidence is only one part of confidence. People also need confidence in others - their colleagues and leaders - that they can count on them to do the right thing and not to let them down.
Rosabeth Moss KanterLeaders must wake people out of inertia. They must get people excited about something they've never seen before, something that does not yet exist.
Rosabeth Moss KanterThe very lack of opportunity the group faces creates a self-defeating cycle and puts pressure on members to limit their aspirations.
Rosabeth Moss KanterDuring the Boom Years, it was so easy to lose sight of basic values. For example, there was lots of nonsense said and written about the so-called "New Economy." Some people said all economic laws have been overturned! Then all the problems developed. Corporations were heavily fined for illegalities. Many of their senior-level executives were indicted, convicted, and sent to prison.
Rosabeth Moss Kanter