He bit his lip in a manner which immediately awakened my maternal sympathy, and I helped him bite it.
S. J. PerelmanA basic ingredient in the manufacture of perfume, the attar-a heavy, pale-yellow oil stored in small metal drums-had been put up as collateral by Bulgaria, in lieu of gold, at the Moscow Narodny Bank, a Communist finance house for East-West trade.
S. J. Perelman"In France," Marcel said with wintry dignity, "accidents occur in the bedroom, not the kitchen."
S. J. PerelmanI don't know where we're going or how we'll get there, but when we get there we'll be there - and that's something, even if it's nothing.
S. J. PerelmanI cannot recall a more engaging passage in fiction, and I've been trying for almost eighteen seconds.
S. J. PerelmanOne stifling summer afternoon last August, in the attic of a tiny stone house in Pennsylvania, I made a most interesting discovery: the shortest, cheapest method of inducing a nervous breakdown ever perfected. In this technique..., the subject is placed in a sharply sloping attic heated to 340 F and given a mothproof closet known as the Jiffy-Cloz to assemble.
S. J. Perelman