If you use your money to create exceptional products and services, you won't need to spend it on advertising.
Seth GodinLaptop computers dramatically increased the time people spend doing work. (The internet dramatically decreased it, so we're even).
Seth GodinMost people have bosses who hire them to fill a slot in the work chart and to do what they are told. And most people who are doing what they are told feel safe; it feels reliable.
Seth GodinOur best work can't possibly appeal to the average masses, only our average work can. Finding the humility to happily walk away from those that don't get it unlocks our ability to do great work.
Seth GodinYou have to find a group that really desperately cares about what it is you have to say. Talk to them. They have something I call otaku. It's a great Japanese word. It describes the desire of someone who's obsessed to, say, drive across Tokyo to try a new Ramen noodle place 'cause that's what they do, they get obsessed with it.
Seth Godin