If our leaders are to enjoy the trappings of their position in the hierarchy, then we expect them to offer us protection. The problem is, for many of the overpaid leaders, we know that they took the money and perks and didn’t offer protection to their people. In some cases, they even sacrificed their people to protect or boost their own interests. This is what so viscerally offends us. We only accuse them of greed and excess when we feel they have violated the very definition of what it means to be a leader.
Simon SinekLeadership is not a rank or a position, it is a choice - a choice to look after the person to the left of us & the person to the right of us.
Simon SinekIt's the discipline to understand that the things that might make you rich or things might make you famous are sometimes worth pursuing and sometimes are not.
Simon SinekPure pragmatism can't imagine a bold future. Pure idealism can't get anything done. It is the delicate blend of both that drives innovation.
Simon SinekPeople will do as they are told by someone who outranks them, but they will only follow someone they believe in.
Simon Sinek