Television could perform a great service in mass education, but there's no indication its sponsors have anything like this on their minds.
Tallulah BankheadA frozen daiquiri of a scorching afternoon is soothing. It makes living more tolerable.
Tallulah BankheadIf you really want to help the American theater, don't be an actress, dahling. Be an audience.
Tallulah BankheadWracked with a hangover I do my muttering over a Black Velvet, a union of champagne and stout. Don't be swindled into believing there's any cure for a hangover. I've tried them all: iced tomatoes, hot clam juice, brandy peaches. Like the common cold it defies solution. Time alone can stay it. The hair of the dog? That way lies folly. It's as logical as trying to put out a fire with applications of kerosene.
Tallulah Bankhead