Organize as much as possible around teams, to achieve enhanced focus, task orientation, innovativeness, and individual commitment.
Tom PetersThe widespread availability of information is the only basis for effective day-to-day problem solving, which abets continuous improvement programs.
Tom PetersThe trouble with much of the advice business gets today about the need to be more vigorously creative is that its advocates often fail to distinguish between creativity and innovation. Creativity is thinking up new things. Innovation is doing new things... The shortage is of innovators.
Tom PetersLife is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else. The trick is the doing something else.
Tom PetersThe drive for control, or the perception thereof, is truly the strongest force in human nature.
Tom PetersWe all know of the dangers and inequities of the traditional digital divide: People who have good access tocomputer networks have a distinct advantage - in terms of both life opportunities and quality of life, I wouldargue - over the vast majority of the world's population that does not yet have good access to computernetworks. The "other" digital divide points to an increasingly unstable situation that has developed inlibrarianship as digital libraries have evolved and matured.
Tom Peters