Vegas is great, isn't it, man? This is the greatest place on Earth. Lookit; you have everything you could want; adult movies...this is a nice neighborhood!
Triple HLast night at WrestleMania, in front of 68,000 people, I defeated Chris Jericho and became the Undisputed World Wrestling Federation Champion. And all of the doubts went away, because I proved to myself, I proved to the world, I proved to Chris Jericho that I AM The Game, and apparently I am THAT...DAMN...GOOD!
Triple HAfter crippling the big red retard tonight, over a short period of time I have run the gambit of the who's who in the World Wrestling Federation! Crippling Stone Cold Steve Austin, destroying the unstoppable Mankind; putting him out for three months and beating him for the WWF championship. And then, defending it only a week later and dominating...and, oh yeah, taking to school that little punk, your champion, The Rock!
Triple H