Popular quotes about Democrats! Wisdom and inspiration are here! | page 25
Judging by their positions at the time, rather than their post hoc allegations, Democrats adored the Soviet Union. Congressional Democrats repeatedly opposed funding anti-Communist rebels, they opposed Reagan's military build-up, they opposed building a shield to protect America from incoming missiles, they opposed putting missiles in Europe. As a rule, Democrats opposed anything opposed by their cherished Soviet Union.
Ann CoulterIn a state like Pennsylvania, the paradox is, to win, you have to get the conservative Democrats in the west, but you still have to do well with the collar-county moderates in the east. [Mitt] Romney did fine with the moderates, but not the conservative Democrats. Trump is doing well with the conservative Democrats. Now Trump has to seal the deal with the moderates in the east.
John BrabenderSome are arguing that the Democrats should resist at every turn [to Donald's Trump administration], and some Democrats are saying that's the strategy that Democrats should now employ.
Maxine WatersTop Democrats have mixed feelings about Sen. Hillary Clinton running for president. Apparently, some Democrats don't like the idea, while others hate it.
Conan O'BrienDemocrats came into the race with a structural advantage in the Electoral College. Their big blue wall - the states that Democrats have won in the past six presidential elections - gave [Hillary] Clinton a strong base to build on.
Mara LiassonThe Republicans in the House and Senate took the district that I firmly represent, 22 in south Florida, from a D plus one to a D plus five almost a D plus six district, which means you are given a five to six percent registration advantage to Democrats. They drew in more Democrats into the district I represent.
Allen WestI say this. If you're going to disenfranchise all of those people, some of whom have never voted before and they're 50 years old and older, but if you're going to disenfranchise all of those people, Independents, Democrats - you know, we have a lot of Democrats coming over. We have a lot of Independents coming over.
Donald TrumpA Democratic strategy firm is trying to help them out. They did a new poll from - it`s a global strategy group. And they did a poll of both base Democrats and swing voting Democrats, trying to determine how to best harness this energy [ of leftist anger]. And maybe more importantly, how to message it.
Chuck ToddThe problem we have is not Democrats versus Republicans. It is a Washington cartel. I've said many times the biggest divide we have politically is not between Republicans and Democrats. It's between career politicians in both parties and the American people.
Ted CruzI think if you look at yesterday's New York Times poll, particularly when you judge Democrats in Congress versus the Republicans in Congress, people put a little more faith, or even a little more than a little more faith in the Democrats in Congress.
John PodestaThe Democrats are about punishing achievement and punishing success and saying it's unjustified, it's unfair, and it may involve cheating and scandal. They stigmatize success because their voters are people who cannot achieve those things. The Democrats have made sure they don't even want to try.
Rush LimbaughI used to think most Democrats in Congress who voted for [ObamaCare] really believed they were doing something good for the poor and the middle class. Now I wonder. It's crystal clear that just about everything President Barack Obama promised about his health plan was false, his deception deliberate. If Democrats really cared for the people harmed by the law, you'd think they'd admit their mistake, try to fix it. They haven't.
Jack KellyIsrael has, enjoys bipartisan support - both Democrats and Republicans - and we extend bipartisan hospitality to both Democrats and Republicans.
Benjamin NetanyahuThe changes that take place when liberal Democrats replace not so liberal or compassionate Republicans (or Democrats) are merely cosmetic.
David DellingerIt's my preferred working style to have bipartisan legislation. I think what the Democrats have made clear is that they don't want to deal with anything that repeals and replaces Obamacare. I think they wouldn't want to do anything that gets rid of the mandates, which is a big part of our proposal, getting rid of the individual employer mandates.
John ThuneI think Democrats ought to be concerned, that the party has become almost prideful about the college-educated vote that it's getting, the support that Hillary Clinton is getting against Donald Trump.
Mark ShieldsI wish they would pass a law where all Democrats and Republicans had to wear NASCAR racing suits, because if you look at the NASCAR drivers, it tells who their sponsors are. And if they do that, we could then become informed voters, because we would know who owns them.
Jesse VenturaI think a lot of the national Democrats believe that, you know, Iraq is a distraction and not part of the War on Terror. They've said so. And I strongly disagree.
George W. BushI'm happy that now we reveal something about the true Israel, because, you know, now it's Purim, when all the Jews putting mask. And once, we used to have a liberal mask. The most famous mask now in Israel is the mask of a soldier who murdered in cold blood a wounded prisoner of war. Those are the mask that most of the Israeli kids now are using. So, now, when the mask and the true is the same, maybe it's time for Democrats here to stop supporting Israel, if they care about Jews.
Udi AloniComparing what the Democrats offer to what the Republicans offer is like comparing the money I have in my pocket to what Bill Gates has in his.
Jackie MasonThe Democrats' ads convince me that Governor Romney can't sing, but his record convinces me he knows how to lead, and I think you know which skill we need more.
Artur DavisThere is absolutely zero chance that ObamaCare will be repealed while Democrats control the Senate and President Obama is in the White House.
Juan WilliamsYou can never underestimate the ability of the Democrats to wet their finger and hold it in the wind.
Ronald ReaganDemocrats believe we must create jobs, not protect the special interests; build the economy from the middle out, not the top down.
Nancy PelosiWhy are there so many young conservatives now serving our country? I'll tell you why? Because we grew up in an era of Reagan. And Ronald Reagan looked and acted nothing like Donald Trump and look at the Democrats.
Marco RubioFor years, the Democrats have controlled the inner cities; some up to 100 years; some over 100 years; unbroken. I say to the African American community and to the Hispanic community: What the hell do you have to lose? I will fix it. We will make them good. We'll make them safe. We'll bring back jobs. We'll create good, good schools and education.
Donald TrumpThe Democrats have come right out and said it: the power of the central government shall have no limits at all.
Mia LoveThey [Democrats and Republicans] agree with each other on either doing nothing or giving lip service to climate change and the really transformative changes that need to happen.
Jill SteinTo [Democrats], government's everything, controlling it, expanding it is everything. And it's not to us [the Republicans]. So they leave nothing to chance. If you reject them, "Well, screw you." They'll find a way to either bollix up what defeated them or just overwhelm the system with what they want anyway by bullying so many people at so frequent a time that people just give up, say, "All right, all right, okay, I'm tired," and the left gets what they want.
Rush LimbaughIt`s not just Republicans. It`s Republicans and Democrats. It`s middle class, lower middle class, working class Americans who have felt the angst, who are frustrated, who are angry as a result of 1% growth which, in my view, has been really the issue that has propelled Donald Trump from day one.
Bob EhrlichAs a lobbyist he had long ago concluded there was no difference in how Democrats and Republicans conducted the business of government. The game stayed the same: It was always about favors and friends, and who controlled the dough. Party labels were merely a way to keep track of the teams; issues were mostly smoke and vaudeville. Nobody believed in anything except hanging on to power, whatever it took.
Carl HiaasenI'm too fiscally conservative for the Democrats and too socially liberal for the Republicans, like 75% of the American people.
Angus KingAll Democrats for the last 30 years have tried to stimulate the economy by giving 'tax cuts' to people who don't pay taxes.
Ann CoulterFrankly, if independents and Democrats want to work with us on conservative ideas, I can do that better at Heritage than as a partisan inside.
Jim DeMintThe Democrats seem to be basically nicer people, but they have demonstrated time and again that they have the management skills of celery. They're the kind of people who'd stop to help you change a flat, but would somehow manage to set your car on fire. I would be reluctant to entrust them with a Cuisinart, let alone the economy. The Republicans, on the other hand, would know how to fix your tire, but they wouldn't bother to stop because they'd want to be on time for Ugly Pants Night at the country club
Dave BarryLook, the bottom line is, folks: They [Democrats] are unified. Their single objective is taking us out. We do not have that. Look at what's happening on our side. I mean, it's atrocious. It is actually embarrassing.
Rush LimbaughI think it's not just Republicans who would like to see the Senate run differently. I think there are a reasonable number of Democrats as well.
Mitch McConnellThe military taught me that teamwork is important, which is why I work with both Republicans and Democrats in Congress to get things done. It also taught me that everyone brings a different perspective, whether I agree with it or not, which helps me bridge the divide in Congress.
Steve StiversThe Democrats, because they believe in socialism, redistribution, forced the banks and financial institutions to make the risky loans.
Sean HannityOn the show, we are not trying to get people to eat their vegetables; we are not trying to get people to become Democrats. We are basically trying to encourage people to get involved with public life so that politics isn't left to the wealthy and privileged.
Martin SheenWhen the San Francisco Democrats treat foreign affairs as an afterthought, as they did, they behaved less like a dove or a hawk than like an ostrich - convinced it could shut out the world by hiding its head in the sand.
Jeane KirkpatrickIt's amnesty that America can't afford. We have to stop people from coming in illegally. This will be a green light for anyone who wants to come to America illegally and then be granted citizenship one day... The majority that are here illegally are low-skilled or may not even have a high school diploma. The Republican Party is not going to compete over who can give more social programs out. They will become Democrats because of the social programs they'll depend on.
Lou BarlettaI don't support or unsupport Assange. If the Democrats had the proper defensive devices on their internet, equipment, they wouldn't even allow the FBI. How about this - they get hacked, and the FBI goes to see them, and they won't let the FBI see their server. But do you understand, nobody ever writes it. Why wouldn't Podesta and Hillary Clinton allow the FBI to see the server? They brought in another company that I hear is Ukrainian-based.
Donald TrumpThe membership survey was a great moment for inner-party democracy. We can't go back, nor do we want to. Our members are pouring their hearts into this campaign. But people don't join the Social Democrats party just to put up posters. They join because they want to help steer the party.
Martin Schulz