Consider for a moment what you pay attention to all day long. What seems important to you, what do you take for granted and hardly attend to at all? Write it down. Do not judge your answers. Be honest and simple. As you keep track all week long, you'll be amazed at what claims your attention, what you give your precious life force to.
Brenda ShoshannaDo not make this practice a source of pressure, compulsion, anxiety or pride. It is none of these. Zazen is simply a way to find your true home.
Brenda ShoshannaIf one's sense of self is obtained through the eyes of another it is always subject to being lost.
Brenda ShoshannaFrom the Zen view all beings are in the grip of the three poisons, greed, anger and delusion (ignorance).
Brenda ShoshannaA time of uncertainty, of not knowing exactly where we're headed, or what kind of choice to make is a Zen moment.
Brenda Shoshanna