I graduated from college and went on one job interview and was laughing in my own head because I wouldn't hire me.
Daniel ToshOf course money buys happiness. You ever seen a homeless person skip? The answer to that riddle's no. They're not allowed.
Daniel ToshI saw a guy wearing a "What Would Jesus Do?" bracelet and a Lance Armstrong bracelet, and he went up to this blind kid and rubbed his eyes, and the kid could see. But he wasn't used to the light, 'cause it was bright, and he walked into traffic and was killed instantly. Okay, the people that are laughing right now? I'm gonna call you guys half-full. Because you're focusing on the important part of the story: the bracelets are working.
Daniel ToshA white lady came running up to me after a show. She goes, What gives you the right to do jokes about black people like that. And I'm like, Listen lady, my best friend is Cuban. And that's close enough.
Daniel Tosh