I meditate twice a day. I meditate two hours every day. I spend at least an hour working out. So that's three hours every day of something mind/body discipline. Other than that: nothing.
Deepak ChopraEmotional Freedom is a must-read for anyone who's tired of feeling frustrated, lonely, or stopped by fear.
Deepak ChopraWe can begin to let go of the complications that cause us to suffer by cultivating a simple state of awareness. In this process, tiny steps yield big results, in part because simplicity is nature's default position. Suffering and the complications that fuel it are unnatural; it wastes energy to maintain complexity.
Deepak ChopraOnce you know who you really are, being is enough. You feel neither superior to anyone nor inferior to anyone and you have no need for approval because you've awakened to your own infinite worth.
Deepak Chopra