The present moment dies every moment to become the past , is reborn every moment into the future. All experience is now. Now never ends.
Deepak ChopraTo be in touch with yourself requires great sensitivity to everything that's going on here and now.
Deepak ChopraAre you ready to step out of the prison of memory and conditioned responses into the experience of freedom? If so, then observe your addictive behaviors without judgment.
Deepak ChopraYou can keep your memory intact, preserve your brain's health, and minimize the risk of aging and senile dementia, things that are greatly feared as people grow older.
Deepak ChopraCommitment is the ultimate assertion of human freedom. It releases all the energy you possess and enables you to take quantum leaps in creativity. When you set a one-pointed intention and absolutely refuse to allow obstacles to dissipate the focused quality of your attention, you engage the infinite organizing power of the universe.
Deepak Chopra