If somebody wants to shoot up and die in front of you, more power to them. The herd has a way of thinning itself out.
Dennis MillerThat kid's got an arm like Uncle Fester at an exhibition of Pre-Colombian... um, Christ, I lost it. I was going for something thick. So what's with the beard, Grizzly Fouts?
Dennis MillerHow do we know for sure that no two snowflakes are the same - we haven't got anybody watching.
Dennis MillerOnly man is a narcissistic enough species to think that a highly evolved alien life force would travel across billions and billions of light-years- a group of aliens so intelligent, so insouciant, so utterly above it all, they feel no need whatsoever to equip their spacecraft with windows so that they can gaze out on all that celestial beauty-but then immediately upon landing, their first impulse is to get in some hick's ass with a flashlight.
Dennis Miller