I have the kind of show that reminds you of your problems, and then I talk about other problems you didn't even know you had until tonight.
Doug StanhopeIf you're going to kill yourself just do me one favor: say it was because of my act. Can you do that? I need the press.
Doug Stanhope"Close your mouth when you chew." That was my mother's big one.Why do people eat lunch together? I want to eat by myself. Chewing is one of the most revolting things to me. Wind makes me unnerved, too.
Doug StanhopeWhen you consider the overpopulation in this world ... homosexuality is completely underrated in this society.
Doug StanhopeI don't like being in the UK for every other reason aside from the show. It's aesthetically uncomfortable to me on almost every level for reasons that might sound petty but I can't get past. The audiences are far more challenging and while I wouldn't say I prefer it, I certainly need it to ward off my inherent laziness.
Doug Stanhope