I wish the 50 states would break up. Lose the centralised government. More choice. How do you want to live, there's 50 different ways! You hate black people? We've a state for that. You wanna have an abortion? Here's a state. I think we should just keep breaking up countries now so they become just individuals.
Doug StanhopeI don't have a gun. But I think they level the playing field. I accept that there's really nothing you can do about it. It's like nuclear weapons; if they exist then eventually other people are going to have them. Maybe just take away people's motivation to use them.
Doug StanhopeWe have no healthcare and we have all the guns in the world, it makes you think twice before you start throwing punches in a bar.
Doug StanhopeI'll defend child pornography, how about that? What's wrong with seeing some child pornography? What if you watch child pornography because you find it hilarious? Then should it not a protected freedom of speech?
Doug StanhopeIf you have a good product. You don't need to advertise. You've done drugs? Did you ever see them advertised?
Doug Stanhope