If I were money-motivated, I would spread insidious lies that marijuana is dangerous and addictive and leads to dancing with white women, that your children are at risk of riding that freight train straight into hell or an opium den. Then I'd parlay that fear into a chain of overpriced "rehab" centers that can cure them and shake Satan from their souls. But I am not that ambitious. I am a drunk.
Doug StanhopeI love when you get boner spam for boner pills and the subject is Be a better lover. Oh, the boner was the problem on that? That's why I'm a bad lover? Do you have a pill that's gonna make me care if she cums? That would be a medical miracle.
Doug StanhopeBabies are like poems. They're beautiful to their creator, but to other people, they're silly and they're irritating.
Doug StanhopeHave you ever thought about registering as a sex offender just so your friends won't bring their kids over to your house?
Doug Stanhope