An Englishman, Irishman and Scotsman were invited to a Christmas party. The Englishman brought a bag of tinsel, the Scotsman brought a bag of holly and they asked the Irishman: "What have you brought?" He said: "I brought a pair of knickers." They asked: "What has that got to do with Christmas?" He said "They're Carol's."
Frank CarsonSo I rang up British Telecom, I said 'I want to report a nuisance caller', he said 'Not you again'.
Frank CarsonThere was an Irish space program to go to the sun. They went at night so they didn't get burnt.
Frank CarsonA man says to his mate: "My wife is a twin." His mate says, "How do you tell them apart?" The man says: "Her brother has a beard."
Frank CarsonI have a pacemaker in, but it doesn't work very well, because every time I fart the garage door opens.
Frank Carson