Winners surround themselves with other winners. A winner knows he's a winner. He doesn't need second-raters and yes-men around to feed his ego. He knows he'll win more, and go further, with associates who not only can keep up with him but who also are capable of teaching him something.
Harvey MackayRough spots sharpen our performance. And more often than not, obstacles can be turned into advantages. You just can't let your disappointment get in the way.
Harvey MackayYou'll never please everyone, but you only have to please a few people to get an offer.
Harvey MackayKeep the customer actively involved throughout your presentation, and watch your results improve.
Harvey MackayThe truth is, success often occurs for reasons we don't expect, under circumstances over which we have little control and sometimes unrelated to our own efforts. There is only one other lesson that success should teach us: Be as amazed by your own success as your friends are. If you truly are, you stand the best chance to repeat it.
Harvey Mackay