While weight loss is important, what's more important is the quality of food you put in your body - food is information that quickly changes your metabolism and genes.
Mark Hyman, M.D.Glutathione is also the most critical and integral part of your detoxification system. All the toxins stick onto glutathione, which then carries them into the bile and the stool - and out of your body.
Mark Hyman, M.D.Recommending gastric bypass as a national solution for our diabetes epidemic is bad medicine and bad economics.
Mark Hyman, M.D.Our body's natural detoxification system is designed to support our health by eliminating waste products from our metabolism and from environmental toxins. Like any other hardworking system, it needs periodic rest and support to continue functioning optimally. This program will teach you how to rest and restore your body's natural detoxification abilities.
Mark Hyman, M.D.