There are times when life's just real quiet and simple. I sometimes get tired of people saying, "Well, what are you really like?"
Robin WilliamsYou have an internal critic, an internal drive that says, 'OK, you can do more.' Maybe that's what keeps you going.
Robin WilliamsLance Armstrong pushes the envelope in terms of the human experience. You can have a personal best, you can push your own envelope. For Lance, the person pushing him is him. The only person he's competing with, I think, is himself. To push that limit to the next step. There's a lot to learn from him. Lots.
Robin WilliamsYou look at the world and see how scary it can be sometimes and still try to deal with the fear. Comedy can deal with the fear and still not paralyze you or tell you that it's going away. You say, OK, you got certain choices here, you can laugh at them and then once you've laughed at them and you have expunged the demon, now you can deal with them. That's what I do when I do my act.
Robin Williams