Last night, we did the Threatdown -- God, it's hard to even talk about this -- and for the first time, I didn't mention bears. It's winter, they're asleep, I didn't think it would be a problem. But today I see this in the Toronto Globe and Mail -- apparently a 700-pound polar bear showed up at a children's hockey game. I've said this before, they're after our kids -- they're tender, juicy, you don't even have to throw away the bones.
Stephen ColbertRepublicans and nerds have so much in common -- they both live in fantasy worlds and have no idea how to relate to women.
Stephen ColbertI cannot stand people who disagree with me on the issue of Roe v. Wade... which I believe is about the proper way to cross a lake.
Stephen ColbertWhen my car runs out of gas, I buy a new one. I don't want to ride around with a quitter.
Stephen Colbert