I'm celibate. It's not that I'm a religious or moral person or anything, it's just, if you aren't ****ing Thom Yorke, what's the point? Actually, just kidding, Thom Yorke and I **** all the time. Hehehe. Had you.
My mother tried to abort me herself with a coathanger, hence my wobbly eye.
I guess I am narcisstic, but only in the sense that I am brilliant and tortured as well
OK Computer? More like No Thank You Computers. They killed my father, and I hate them.
If I was an owl, I would peck your eyes out. Wow this lyric is ****ing brilliant.
I'll regularly just burst out into laughter at funerals, at the expense of the dead. What's the difference between a dead person and Thom Yorke? One is talented and the other is dead. **** you grandma