I was told by a girl once that I should teach a course on how to kiss properly. I thought that was really a nice compliment. I then asked her what she thought about my sexual prowess and she recommended I talk to a guy she used to date. Body blow.
Dane CookIt's not for any purpose such as religion, health, or things like that, I just never felt I had the need or want to drink or do drugs.
Dane CookIt was peace. Peace is when you would shake the hands of the people around you. And you knew peace was coming because the priest would say it five times rapid fire. He'd go, “My peace I leave, my peace I give to you. While we ate Reese's Pieces with the Lord. And I have a piece of lint in my peaceful eye"!
Dane CookYou must accept responsibility for your actions. This doesn't include reactions, interactions or transactions if you're thinkin' loophole.
Dane Cook